Facade/entrance in Crown Promenade Perth

Crown Promenade Perth


活気あふれるCrown Promenade Perthへようこそ。賑やかな市中心部からわずか2.1マイルに位置する、眩しい4つ星ホテルです。ボルトンアベニューとグレートイースタンハイウェイに位置し、興奮とリラクゼーションの両方を求める旅行者に最適です。料金はわずか$134から始まり、破産することなく贅沢な快適さを見つけることができます!

ホテルの素晴らしいアメニティで楽しむ準備をしましょう!きらめく屋外プールで涼を取り、館内レストランで美味しい食事を楽しんだり、エキサイティングなカジノで運試しをしたりできます。フィットネスを維持したい方には、充実したフィットネスセンターも利用可能(もちろん追加料金がかかります)。贅沢を求める方には、スパサービスが予約一つで利用可能です – リラックスできるマッサージを拒む人はいないでしょう。

5,373件の旅行者からの高評価レビューがあるので、あなたも彼らと同じように滞在を楽しむことができるでしょう。子供たちはキッズフレンドリーなビュッフェを楽しみ、大人たちはバーでカクテルを楽しんだり、テラスでくつろいだりできます。日光を浴びる休暇を計画している方も、ビジネス旅行を考えている方も、Crown Promenade Perthには誰にでも何かがあります!

Bed in Crown Promenade Perth
Bed in Crown Promenade Perth


Suite in Crown Promenade Perth


1 キングサイズベッド


560 平方フィート

スイートルーム, ダブル






1 キングサイズベッド

スタンダード, キングサイズ, ジェットバス付き





Suite in Crown Promenade Perth


1 キングサイズベッド


560 平方フィート

スイートルーム, キングサイズ






あなたの冒険心を解き放ち、Crown Promenade Perthの屋外プールに飛び込んでみませんか!このきらめくオアシスは、日光浴を楽しんだり、街を探索した後にさっぱりとしたひと泳ぎをするためにあなたを招待します。大人たちがリラックスした雰囲気を楽しむ間、あなたは少し静かな時間を楽しむことができ、平和と静けさが一泳ぎの距離にあることを確保します。快適なラウンジチェアに滑り込んで、カクテルを楽しんだり、日差しを浴びるのを忘れないでください。これは、リラックスし、充電し、バケーションの喜びを満喫するための完璧な方法です!


Property Building in Crown Promenade Perth
Facade/entrance, Property Building in Crown Promenade Perth


まだエネルギーが余っている?活気あるカジノで運試しをして、内なるハイローラーを解き放ちましょう!エキサイティングな雰囲気は、経験豊富なプレイヤーでも好奇心旺盛な初心者でも、あなたのアドレナリンを高めてくれます。テーブルでチップを積んだり、スロットに挑戦したりする中で、カジノのスリルが滞在に刺激を加えます。さらに、Crown Promenade Perthの素晴らしいアメニティと優れたサービスで、あなたの休暇は笑い、喜び、冒険に満ちた素晴らしい体験になること間違いなしです。さあ、荷物をまとめて、この素晴らしいホテルでの思い出に残る旅の準備をしましょう!

Bedroom, Bed in Crown Promenade Perth
Bedroom, Bed in Crown Promenade Perth










Bathroom in Crown Promenade Perth
Restaurant/Places to Eat in Crown Promenade Perth


屋外, 大人専用


Swimming Pool in Crown Promenade Perth
Swimming pool in Crown Promenade Perth


Market & Co

ファミリーフレンドリー, 0

Restaurant/Places to Eat in Crown Promenade Perth
Bedroom, Bed in Crown Promenade Perth
Facade/entrance, Property Building in Crown Promenade Perth
Was very disappointed when my son Kane was refused entry to the casino, and it was his birthday, as a family we went to the Melbourne Cup at Ascot Races where Kane only had 3 drinks after being refused entry he went to another e Terence and asked to speak to the Supervisor who agreed that cKane was not intoxicated, and allowed him into the casino. This really spoilt what was a great day out, after travelling from Bunbury to celebrate Kane’s birthday. So sad that he was judged considering how many people inside the casino could hardly stand up. Very unhappy customer.


This was my first time visiting the Crown - my partner and I had a StayCay and celebrated our 9 year relationship, alongside reaching the lock up stage of our house. The location and sense of privacy was amazing, and I feel very intrigued to return and experience more of the Crown in the future Exploring the hotel with my partner was my favourite part, and I can’t wait to come back. Annette at Crown Rewards Reception (inside casino 30/5/2023) was sooooooo sweet and helpful! She helped me understand how the rewards system worked ☺️ Thanks Annette


The room was great, spacious for one person considering I got only 1 small luggage, but with 2 person 2 big luggage, might be a bit squashy. I like the TV can swivel around to face the sofa and working desk so that you can watch the TV at any angle. Bed are super comfy and loved their king size long pillow. Room service is excellent as it's really fast, took them 15 minutes to deliver 3 dish dinner. Room service menu are the same as in the restaurant downstairs (Market & Co) but without the long wait or snobby restaurant staff.


The staff were all amazing. They made you feel like a millionaire. Greeted with respect and kindness. The room was amazing, we didn't have to ask for more of this or that because the room was already sufficiently stocked and clean. The breakfast was by far the best we have had our entire trip to Perth. The room service menu was so good we had it for dinner. Next time we will pre book the restaurant. Definitely a big must stay place


I liked the cleanliness of the rooms, staff were very friendly. Room service was quick and the food was perfect. I really enjoyed the layout of the rooms and the interior design. The beds were very comfortable with plenty of pillows to accommodate many different preferences. Love that the cleaning of the rooms are optional during your stay which creates a more environmentally friendly stay with a feel good experience.


Was very disappointed when my son Kane was refused entry to the casino, and it was his birthday, as a family we went to the Melbourne Cup at Ascot Races where Kane only had 3 drinks after being refused entry he went to another e Terence and asked to speak to the Supervisor who agreed that cKane was not intoxicated, and allowed him into the casino. This really spoilt what was a great day out, after travelling from Bunbury to celebrate Kane’s birthday. So sad that he was judged considering how many people inside the casino could hardly stand up. Very unhappy customer.


This was my first time visiting the Crown - my partner and I had a StayCay and celebrated our 9 year relationship, alongside reaching the lock up stage of our house. The location and sense of privacy was amazing, and I feel very intrigued to return and experience more of the Crown in the future Exploring the hotel with my partner was my favourite part, and I can’t wait to come back. Annette at Crown Rewards Reception (inside casino 30/5/2023) was sooooooo sweet and helpful! She helped me understand how the rewards system worked ☺️ Thanks Annette


The room was great, spacious for one person considering I got only 1 small luggage, but with 2 person 2 big luggage, might be a bit squashy. I like the TV can swivel around to face the sofa and working desk so that you can watch the TV at any angle. Bed are super comfy and loved their king size long pillow. Room service is excellent as it's really fast, took them 15 minutes to deliver 3 dish dinner. Room service menu are the same as in the restaurant downstairs (Market & Co) but without the long wait or snobby restaurant staff.


The staff were all amazing. They made you feel like a millionaire. Greeted with respect and kindness. The room was amazing, we didn't have to ask for more of this or that because the room was already sufficiently stocked and clean. The breakfast was by far the best we have had our entire trip to Perth. The room service menu was so good we had it for dinner. Next time we will pre book the restaurant. Definitely a big must stay place


I liked the cleanliness of the rooms, staff were very friendly. Room service was quick and the food was perfect. I really enjoyed the layout of the rooms and the interior design. The beds were very comfortable with plenty of pillows to accommodate many different preferences. Love that the cleaning of the rooms are optional during your stay which creates a more environmentally friendly stay with a feel good experience.


Was very disappointed when my son Kane was refused entry to the casino, and it was his birthday, as a family we went to the Melbourne Cup at Ascot Races where Kane only had 3 drinks after being refused entry he went to another e Terence and asked to speak to the Supervisor who agreed that cKane was not intoxicated, and allowed him into the casino. This really spoilt what was a great day out, after travelling from Bunbury to celebrate Kane’s birthday. So sad that he was judged considering how many people inside the casino could hardly stand up. Very unhappy customer.


This was my first time visiting the Crown - my partner and I had a StayCay and celebrated our 9 year relationship, alongside reaching the lock up stage of our house. The location and sense of privacy was amazing, and I feel very intrigued to return and experience more of the Crown in the future Exploring the hotel with my partner was my favourite part, and I can’t wait to come back. Annette at Crown Rewards Reception (inside casino 30/5/2023) was sooooooo sweet and helpful! She helped me understand how the rewards system worked ☺️ Thanks Annette


The room was great, spacious for one person considering I got only 1 small luggage, but with 2 person 2 big luggage, might be a bit squashy. I like the TV can swivel around to face the sofa and working desk so that you can watch the TV at any angle. Bed are super comfy and loved their king size long pillow. Room service is excellent as it's really fast, took them 15 minutes to deliver 3 dish dinner. Room service menu are the same as in the restaurant downstairs (Market & Co) but without the long wait or snobby restaurant staff.


The staff were all amazing. They made you feel like a millionaire. Greeted with respect and kindness. The room was amazing, we didn't have to ask for more of this or that because the room was already sufficiently stocked and clean. The breakfast was by far the best we have had our entire trip to Perth. The room service menu was so good we had it for dinner. Next time we will pre book the restaurant. Definitely a big must stay place


I liked the cleanliness of the rooms, staff were very friendly. Room service was quick and the food was perfect. I really enjoyed the layout of the rooms and the interior design. The beds were very comfortable with plenty of pillows to accommodate many different preferences. Love that the cleaning of the rooms are optional during your stay which creates a more environmentally friendly stay with a feel good experience.



Bolton Avenue And Great Eastern Highway, Perth, 6100, オーストラリア

Crown Promenade Perth